Why Ethra?

What makes Ethra special?

The average schools are catering to 700 or more students with different grade levels running from KG to high school. Ethra School offers a greater focus on primary education by limiting the number of student enrollments and employing staff that are specialized in early childhood education.

Belonging to close-knit communities
Safety and security
Building Relations beyond school
Student Achievement
Belonging to close-knit communities

At Ethra we are all about building relationships and creating a sense of belonging in our students. The students form connections with their peers, teachers and the school community.

Our students feel that they “fit in” compared to larger schools. With greater care and attention we ensure a safe and pleasant environment for our students which leads them to feel more attached to the school.

We put an equal emphasis on student welfare and learning.

Building Relations beyond school

Ethra supports mothers in establishing friendships and playgroups for the children within the school community. In order to provide safe and strong bonds for our students and mothers even outside of school hours we provide opportunities for continous and close interactions which lead to amazing lasting friendships throught the years.

We strongly believe in the beneficial effects of belonging to a group for the mental development of a child, their well-being and their emotional health.


Etrha is proud to be among the very few schools that place an equal emphasis on both the English and Arabic curriculum.

While most international schools focus on English subjects and national schools on Arabic; we have managed to integrate both curriculums with an exemplary bilingual education program focusing on building proficiency in both languages.

Student Achievement

We take pride that for such a small school we have on average 4 students being awarded with the King Abdulaziz Foundation for Giftedness & Creativity.

Our students’ success is clearly evident from the scores they achieve in placement tests when applying to other schools for further studies.

Safety and Security

We take extra measures to ensure each child remains safe and unharmed while at school. Having a limited number of students allows us to closely monitor, guide, protect and nurture each child. Smaller school size has consistently been linked to stronger and safer school communities.

Our teachers and administrators get to know each individual student by name and develop a knowledge of their social, emotional and medical needs. All staff members are usually involved with our students to ensure that they are supported both inside and outside of the classroom. The closeness, sense of belonging and safety are Ethra School’s best distinguishing qualities.