Tuition Fees

Ethra Tuition fees

Tuition Fees of Ethra School are as follows:


Grade Tuition Fees
KG1 17,000 SAR
KG2 17,000 SAR
KG3 17,000 SAR


Grade Tuition Fees
Grade 1 19,000 SAR
Grade 2 19,000 SAR
Grade 3 19,000 SAR


  • An additional 15% VAT will be applied for Non-Saudi students as per the KSA laws and regulations.
  • Please make Sure to submit a copy of bank transfer to Accounting department by sending a scan copy.
  • Payments are made by bank wire transfer; cash payment and checks are not accepted.
  • Fees are subject to change as per Ethra School policy, Parents will be informed prior to that.
Regular Fees
This package allows you to pay your child’s yearly tuition fees over three installments
Regular Fees
Siblings Discount
Pay your child’s yearly tuition fees over three installments and the discount will be cut from the Last payment
Siblings Discount
Early Bird
This package allows you to receive a 1,000 SR discount on the yearly tuition fees over one-time payment
Early Bird
Easy Installment
This package provides you
an easy payment plan
Easy Installment

Fees policy:

1) Student Admissions is based on a full academic year and payment will be applied accordingly.

2) The student’s guardian is obliged to pay the tuition in three installments according to the dates set by the school administration.

  • First installment (upon the opening of registration for the new academic year).
  • Second installment (three weeks prior to first day of school).
  • Third installment (at the end of first semester).

3) The student’s guardian must ensure that the first and second installment are due three weeks prior to the start of first day of school, No student will be admitted until these fees are paid in full, and students seat will be vacant if Failure to pay on time. First installment is non-refundable. School Textbooks will be distributed after 2nd installment are paid.

4) All payments must be paid through bank transfer only and a copy of the transaction receipt must be sent to finance department, the school does not except cash or bank cheque.

5) The student will not be admitted until  fees are paid and it is Guardians responsibility to provide copy of transaction in order to confirm students seat.

Payment method:

  1. Each student will get a special IBAN and account number assigned for them and fees will be transferred through it.
  2. All new admissions will have an IBAN assigned after acceptance test.
  3. Guardians should send a copy of the deposit or transfer to finance department or to

Withdrawal procedures are as follow:

  • An official withdrawal notice form must be reported to the school administration by the student’s guardian.
  • Compliance with the withdrawal deadlines set by the school administration.
  • The guardian is liable to pay full fees in the event of a transfer during school year and according to payment policy and withdrawal deadlines.
  • School Textbooks fees are not refundable if withdrawal is after first day of school.
At the end of the school year and a week before students first day of school according to school calendar. Full amount of tuition fees will be refunded excluding 1st installment.
The period throughout the week before the first day of school (According to school calendar). Fees are refunded with a 10% deduction of total fees excluding 1st installment.
The period during the first day of school to the third week. Fees are refunded with a 25% deduction of total fees excluding 1st installment.
The period during the fourth and fifth week. Fees are refunded with a 50% deduction of total fees excluding 1st installment.
The period during the sixth week. Fees are non-refundable, and guardian will be liable to pay remaining fees.